Our Story
MIRASPACO is a Portuguese spin-off of the University of Beira Interior (UBI) that was founded in 2021 by Rui Fernandes, the Head of SEGAL (Space & Earth Geodetic Analysis Laboratory) a R&D laboratory focused on Geomatics and GeoInformatics, hosted by the Faculty of Engineering.
MIRASpaco provides scientific and technical consulting, and specialized services and products in the areas of Geodesy, Geomatics and GeoIT, with a particular focus on GNSS applications.
Although young, MIRASpaco combines large fieldwork experience with deep scientific knowledge.
MIRASpaco operates globally, in partnership with international organizations (United Nations, UNESCO, JPL [U.S.A.], DLR [Germany]), national agencies (e.g., Mozambique, Nigeria, Angola, Bhutan, Mongolia, Qatar, Seychelles), and private companies (e.g., Rio Tinto, Mota-Engil, GeoData).
The MIRASpaco members already executed scientific and technical projects in more than 20 countries.