What is MIRACoor?
– MIRACoor is an online service that provides directly coordinates from GNSS observations into the Official National Coordinate Reference Frame.
– MIRACoor uses an authorized access to the Automatic Precise Positioning Service of the Global Differential GPS System of JPL (NASA, USA) to ensure the reliable and fast processing of the data based on the Precise Point Positioning technique.
– MIRACoor provides coordinates certified by the National Mapping Agency.
How MIRACoor works?
– The user creates an account and obtain credits.
– The user uploads RINEX file(s) using his/her account.
– MIRACoor communicates with JPL to process the data.
– The solution computed at JPL is mapped into the national datum selected by the user using a dedicated transformation based on the epoch of observation.
– MIRACoor sends back the solution (in global and local coordinates) to the user together with the associated uncertainties.
When and Where?
– MIRACoor is suitable to estimate geodetic-grade solutions based on relatively long time-spans: centimeter-level for hour(s) observations into millimeter-level for daily observations.
– MIRACoor serves the public and private users that need to implement very accurate points temporarily (e.g., engineer projects) or permanently (e.g., densification of the national reference frame).
– MIRACoor can also be used in areas where no RTK corrections are available to establish control points (e.g., for surveying support, airborne photogrammetry.
– Web-service permanently available – users can even process the solutions in the field if they have access to internet.
– Based on a proved scientific software: GIPSYx, the latest version of the GIPSY-OASIS software package that has developed the Precise Point Positioning strategy.
– For the mapping agencies:
- No need to do large investments (financial and training of human resources) in offline software that might be used only occasionally.
- Regular revenue (from royalties) without any investment.
– For the public and private users:
- Pay per use – no additional fees or investments in advance.
- Guarantee of the quality and compatibility of the solutions based on the experience of MIRASpaco & JPL and certification of the National Mapping Agency.
– MIRACoor Brochure ( download )